Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New Lancia Stratos Review

New Lancia Stratos is a unique-shaped compact car with a mid-engine sports the short wheelbase.
Stratos is the initiation of the resurrection of a personal project Stoschek Michael, a successful businessman who heads the fifth largest supplier of automotive components in Germany.
In terms of appearance, New Stratos was designed to truly be a prototype of Lancia Startos. Although the overall color carbon black, unlike the legends who dominated the red and white Marlboro.

New Stratos based off the Ferrari F430 and body made entirely of carbon fiber, allowing the power-to-weight ratio was less than five pounds per dk and 50:50 weight distribution.

Stratos tested in the circuit. However, not yet known whether this car is really only going to produce one unit only, or at least be a limited edition with a small production, there is going to depend on the demand and production cost.

New Stratos body completely made of carbon fiber.

Stratos new (black) side by side with old Stratos.
Black Hair Care
Many people in the world has the black hairs which are more brittle and more prone to breakage. Black hair needs special care because they are fragile and difficult to control. Black hair are always almost curly, although the degree of wave varies enormously. As a general rule, black hair is brittle and has a tendency to split and break. This is because the sebaceous glands produce insufficient sebum to moisturize the hair. They need special attention and special tips to make them last longer.
In addition, because the hair is tightly curled, the sebum is unable to travel downwards to condition it naturally. If the curl forms kinks, this makes the hair thinner and therefore weaker at each band.
Other type of black hair can be very fine making it difficult to style and hold a set.
To treat excessive dryness choose a specialist formulation that replace the natural oil lacking in black hair. If the product is massaged daily or whenever necessary, the hair will become more manageable with improved condition and shine. It is also important to deep condition the hair regularly.
Tips on black hair caring
- Hair need to be strong and healthy to take any type of chemical treatment. To check hair strength and natural elasticity, pluck out a hair and hold it firmly between both hands, then pull gently. If the hair breaks with hardly any stretching, it is in week and poor condition, in which all chemical treatments should be avoided.
- One of the most effective ways of styling very curly hair is to crop it close and short. With this type of cut you just need to shampoo, condition and finish it with soft wax.
- Massage the scalp regularly to encourage oil production.
- If you use hot combs or curling tongs, make sure you shield the hair by using a protective product.
- If the hair is pulled too forcibly too often, it will disrupt the hair folicles, cause scar tissue to form and ultimately hair loss. To help prevent this, avoid braiding or pulling the hair into tight braids.
- To prevent frizziness and maintain the definition of curls, special lotions called curl actibators and moisturising sprays can be used to revive and preserve the formation of curls.
- Black hair should be colored with caution because of its natural dryness and porosity.
- Once a month, try a hot oil treatment which will lubricate dry scalp condition as well as moisturise brittle hair.
- As with all chemical treatments, relaxing and pumming can be potentially harmful to the hair, removing natural moisture and leaving hair in a weakend state. For this reason it is advisable to get skilled professional help and advice.
Clothing tips for large size women
There are few women who have a model’s body. However, every woman has some charm and it can be highlighted by preserving the style and choosing how to dress smartly. Use the following tips about dressing:
* Extra large tops and tight tops are not for you: choose those that touch your skin softly.
* Avoid the three-quarter sleeve T-shirts, three-quarter sleeve blouses and sleeveless ones. Square necks are better than V-necks.
* Bubble skirts and mini-skirts are not advisable: it is better for you to wear a knee-length skirt or mid-thigh length skirt.
* Wear straight pants. Avoid too tight pants and flared pants.
* Always keep the neck and face uncovered.
* It is advisable to wear medium width belts, neither very wide nor very narrow.
* Don’t wear clothes with large prints. Also, avoid wide, vertical stripes.
* Avoid long jackets: generally you should prefer the hip length jacket, lower than the waist (4 to 6 inches).
remove eye bags
Eye bags are not the best beginning of a day, definitely. If you wake up with eye bags more and more often, it is necessary to start an active struggle against this unattractive cosmetic defect.
What is the reason
But before passing directly to councils, let’s understand the reasons. And this unpleasant phenomenon has enough reasons. What can lead to occurrence of eye bags?
First, bad heredity. Between skin of eyelids and hypoderm there is a thin membrane which can be both dense, and thin by nature. Membrane thinning leads to formation of small apertures through which fatty tissue passes. As a result, eye bags are formed. If as a result of heredity you have thin membrane, this means, at you have every chance to deal with eye bags in the near future.
Reasons leading to occurrence of eye bags also include, among other, lack of sleep, allergy, hormonal changes connected with a woman’s monthly cycle, superfluous quantity of water in an organism, stress, bad food and frequent use of alcoholic drinks.
What to do
Take care of skin round eyes every day. For make-up removal it is recommended to use not flavoured clearing means. It is not necessary to rub eyes unduly. If at the first use of cosmetic means you notice skin reddening, watering, you should refuse its use.
Every evening apply a humidifying cream or means for skin care in the area of eyes. It is necessary to wash face with cool water in the morning, put ice-cubes to infraorbital area. During summertime it is necessary to use sun-protection means. Also it is necessary to struggle with stress, accept polyvitamins regularly, do eye gymnastics (put hands on temples and try to shift skin by means of mimic muscles back. Exercise should be repeated several times during a day).
The most remarkable means in eye bag struggle is healthy dream, complete rest, moderated water consumption, regular and balanced food, absence of stress (or ability to cope with it!). If usual folk remedies cannot already help you getting rid of eye bags, there are also surgical ones: blepharoplasty (elimination of skin surpluses in eyelid area and removal of a fatty pillow under eyes), and also application of CO2 laser (smoothes skin round eyes, makes it more elastic).
Irreplaceable recipes
Time passes, medicine progresses, but nothing can replace old grandmother’s advice! Let’s address to them!
1. Brew a teaspoon of black tea in 1/4 glasses boiled water, leave for 30-40 minutes, filter. The compress is applied for 10 minutes. Put wadded tampons impregnated with tea for 1-2 minutes, changing them 3-4 times. After the procedure termination make a compress of cold water and put a nutritious cream on eyelids.
Daily short-term sponging with ice infusion of sage, camomile or beggar-ticks.
2. Put 1 table spoon of cornflowers in a glass with boiled water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. Put tampons moistened with warm infusion on eyes for 15-20 minutes.
3. Boil a jacket potato . When it becomes warm, knife and put on eyes for 30-40 minutes.
4. Make compresses of sage broth (cold and warm). Fill in a teaspoon of sage leaves with half of glass boiled water. Brew under a lid for 10-15 minutes, filter, half cool, other half warm up. Put wadded tampons, moistened in hot and cold infusion to eyelids by turns. Do this procedure before going to bed, then cream.
Care of yourself, love and feel sorry for yourself - and nothing in your appearance will show signs of weariness.
Tea Tree Oil - A miracle oil
What is Tea Tree?
Tea Tree - Melaleuca Alternifolia is a native plant belonging to northeast coastal region of New South Wales, Australia. Tea Tree has very strong therapeutic and medicinal values. When crushed and distilled, the leaves of this plant yield a 100% natural oil which is an antiseptic, a fungicide and has numerous uses as listed below. Tea Tree oil contains more than 48 compounds, main constituent being terpinen-4-ol which is responsible for tea tree oil's antibacterial and anti fungal properties.
It helps with mouth ulcers, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, fatigue, respiratory infections, strengthening the immune system and the female reproductive system. Tea Tree also helps to clear acne, lice, cold sores and gingivitis.
History of Tea Tree Oil
- Bundjalung aborigines of northern new South Wales - viewed lagoon where tea tree leaves fell and decayed for hundreds of years as having tremendous healing properties.
- First report of medicinal use: Medical Journal of Australia (1930) - Sydney surgeon used: solution of tea tree oil to clean wound -
". . . it dissolved pus and left the surface of infected wounds clean so that its germicidal action became more effective without any apparent damage to the tissues ... most efficient germicides destroy tissues as well as bacteria.."
- World War II - tea tree oil issued to soldiers to use as a disinfectant.
Tea Tree Oil - Uses and Benefits
* antiseptic - considered by many to be the ideal skin disinfectant.
* anti fungal.
* good penetration, lack of irritation.
* Effective against:
Candida albicans
Propionibactenum acnes
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyrogenes
Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichophyton mentagrophytes
Clinical Usage and Dosage of Tea Tree Oil:
Skin infections:
- broad-spectrum antiseptic.
- mixes with sebaceous secretions and penetrates epidermis.
- apply oil two to three times per day.
- alternative to benzoyl peroxide.
- less side effects (dryness, redness, pruritus, stinging, burning).
- 5% tea tree oil gel applied daily.
Common Foot Problems:
- tinea pedis (athlete's foot) foot irritation.
- bromhidrosis (severely foul-smelling feet).
- 8% tea tree oil emollient massaged into feet daily.
Fungal Nail Infection:
- 100% tea tree oil twice daily.
- improvement in nail appearance and symptoms (with long-term use).
Vaginal Infections:
- germicidal activity versus Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis.
- 40% tea tree oil solution emulsified with isopropyl alcohol and water.
- used tampon saturated with this tea tree oil solution (once wkly for 4 to 6 wks).
- for treatment of cervicitis and chronic endocervicitis.
- daily vaginal douches (1 quart water with 0.4% tea tree oil) prescribed.
- for treatment of trichomonas and candidacies.
- no irritation, burning, or other side effects noted.
Cold Sores:
- mix essential oil with 10 times its volume of carrier oil.
- dab on affected area as soon as developing cold sore starts to tingle.
- eggs of head lice on the hair.
- put a few drops of oil on a fine comb and comb hair well.
- OR...add 5-10 drops of oil to shampoo or hair rinse and repeat daily.
- extremely safe for topical use.- oral ingestion not recommended.
- being 100% natural it has no side effects.
Hair dandruff
Dandruff is the most widespread hair problem especially among men.
If you ever had dandruff, also known as scurf, you know what it’s like – irritated scalp and itches, flaky skin and constant wondering whether to wear black or not. Many people err to believe that dandruff is caused by dry skin, frequent head washing or poor hygiene. These popular myths can lead to ineffective and often – inappropriate treatment and even worsen the situation.
Dandruff has a negative impact on one’s self esteem, and people suffering from that condition are usually more sensitive about their appearance than the rest.
What causes dandruff?
Dandruff is caused by a type of fungus – Pityrosporum ovale. Upon a normal organism state is does not cause any problems.
However when the skin pH balance in the hairy part of the head is broken and the environment is alkalized, the fungus starts to breed faster and due to the more frequent change of skin cells it leads to peeling.
The cause of the accelerated fungus growth has not been found, but the most probable causes are increased fat secretion by the organism, hormonal disbalance, stress, different ill-conditions of the nervous system, suppressed immune system, oversensitivity to the fungus itself or even inherited susceptibility to dandruff. In rare cases dandruff can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to some of the chemicals in hair gels, hair sprays, hair oils or other hair products.
Very few people know that there are two forms of dandruff – external and internal.
External dandruff is caused by excessive use of hair products - sprays and gels, improper use of hair-coloring products, excessive use of hair curlers or hair straighteners, cold weather, dry indoor heating, stress, infrequent shampooing of the hair or inadequate rinsing of the scalp. Internal dandruff can be caused by hormonal imbalance, emotional stress, poor health, poor hygiene, allergy to some foods, lack of rest, excessive consumption of sugar, fat and starch and hereditary predisposition.
Even though there is a lot more to be found about dandruff, what is unquestionably known about it is that it is a medical, rather than a cosmetic problem.
Ketosal could be the answer. It is a medical shampoo with 2% content of ketokonasol that can keep your dandruff under control, so you won’t be constantly checking on your shoulders. Ketosal can stop the fungus breeding cycle.
Once the fungus is under control – so is your dandruff. Besides it has all the benefits of a “regular” luxurious shampoo – nice fragrance, silk sensation in your hand and washes your hair perfectly.
Ketosal also has no negative impact on dyed, white or treated hair. Use it twice weekly to treat your hear and your hair will be shiny, easy to shape, vigorous and with volume. And of course – dandruff free!
Remember: Dandruff is due to the excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp.
Remember: sometimes dandruff may be a symptom of seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infection.
Remember: When using anti-dandruff shampoo be sure to leave the shampoo on for at least five minutes — this allows the ingredients time to work.
Remember: In general, mild scaling can often be helped by daily cleansing with a gentle shampoo to reduce oiliness and cell buildup.
Remember: Sometimes scaling can occur anywhere on the scalp, in the hair, on the eyebrows, the beard and can spread to the neck and shoulders.
If your dandruff is mild, wash your hair regularly to remove the excess flakes.
When you apply the shampoo, massage your scalp with your fingers to remove dead skin and improve blood circulation.
Avoid prolonged sun exposure, especially in mid-day – ultraviolet rays can damage your hair.
Always wash your hair with clean water after you have been to the pool or in a natural basin with contaminated water, even the sea.
A diet that provides enough zinc, vitamins and minerals, and essential fatty acid may help prevent dandruff.How To Wash Your Hair
Believe it or not, a lot of mistakes are made every day while simply washing the dust and dirt out of your hair. Here's what you need to know.
1. Hair should be saturated with water before applying shampoo. This is more important than you might realize.
2. The amount of shampoo used should be according to the length of your hair. Long hair should use only about a tablespoon. Shorter hair, obviously less.
3. Massage scalp to loosen the dead skin cells. This is often what becomes dandruff.
4. Rinse well. We don't spend enough time rinsing the soap from our hair. Be sure to check the hair line before you go on to the next step.
5. Apply conditioner and distribute to the ends. This is the oldest and most damaged area and needs all the help it can get. Try to leave the conditioner on your hair for about a minute.
6. Rinse if necessary. Be sure to check whether you are using a traditional conditioner or a leave in variety.
7. Squeeze as much water from your hair as possible.
8. Blot your hair with a towel to absorb excess water. Never rub as the cuticles can catch on the fibres causing more damage.
9. If time allows, allow hair to air dry.
More denim dresses
More adorable and afforadable denim dresses from Dollhouse. Both the light wash and dark wash ones are cute.
$32.00 $29.99
$32.00 $29.99
$30.00 $29.99
$32.00 $29.99
$39.00 $29.99

I don’t want fringes on my clothes, but I’m loving these fringe necklaces and bracelets.
Obey – Womens Fringe Necklace (Antique Silver)
$70 $55
Obey – Womens Fringe Necklace (18K Gold)
$86 $60
Obey – Womens Fringe Bracelet (Antique Silver)
$106 $74

Bangle sets
Stacking on the bangles is one of the easiest way to accessorize an outfit. And bangle sets make it even easier. If you can incorporate different textures and materials into the set, that’ll make it more interesting, e.g. pearls with gun metal, crystals with leather, rhinestones with wood.
Lee Angel Jewelry Jane Ivory Bangle Set
Lee Angel Set of three bangles
$125 62.50
Enamel & Crystal Bangle Set $44
Large Rhinestone Mixed Bangle Set $44
Stone & Wood Mixed Bangle Set $39
Pearl & Enamel Bangle Set $39
Tribal Bangle Set
Crystal & Metallic Mixed Bangle Set $34
GUESS Basic Bangle Set $30
G by GUESS Vintage Charms Bangle Set $18.50
Mudd® Gold-Tone Multicolored Bangle Bracelet Set
$14 $9.38
Mudd® Gold-Tone Multicolored Bangle Bracelet Set
$14 $9.38
Mudd Two-Tone Beaded Flex and Bangle Bracelet Set
$16 $10.72
The Extras bib necklaces
I definitely need to collect more bib necklaces ’cause they are here to stay. Check out these *The Extras necklaces.
*The Extras The Double Strand Pearl and Lace Necklace in Mauve, Jewelry for Women
*The Extras The Feather Bib Necklace, Jewelry for Women
*The Extras The Hanging Chain Necklace, Jewelry for Women
*The Extras The Multi Rose Bib Necklace in Pink, Jewelry for Women
*The Extras The Beaded and Crystal Bib Necklace, Jewelry for Women
*The Extras The Pearl and Crystal Bib Necklace, Jewelry for Women
*The Extras The Crochet Floral Bib Necklace in Black, Jewelry for Women