Saturday, July 11, 2009


It’s 5:35 am and I haven’t been to bed yet. Damien is at my parents for the weekend and I’m off work today for the first time in 12 days. Being on the late shift for the best part of the last two weeks, my internal clock is still tuned to night shift mode. However I have passed the moment where I should have gone to bed and am now wound up. Oh well, at least I don’t have to feel bad about it, ‘cause I don’t plan on getting out of bed till the evening. Ah, life is beautiful :-) Have I mentioned that Chris is off too? Right now he is downstairs sleeping (and sobering up a bit too as he went out with some guys from work last night). I hope he is nice ‘n rested soon, ‘cause this goddess is going to be worshipped today O:-)
Which brings me to the next thing I wanted to share – I just had an idea for a novel. I have already been sketching some character mind maps for a couple weeks now, wanting to try to write something, and this evening the pieces just fell into place. Now I have a nice story outline in my sketch book and plan to start writing a chapter whenever I have some free time and feel like it. I used to write a bit when I was in school and enjoyed it. These last couple of weeks I spent parts of the evening reading Twilight fan fiction and some of those stories are really good. Guess it encouraged me to give it a try again too. As soon I have some material ready, I’ll post it on a separate blog and let you know, in case you’re interested.
Life is great. Have a fun weekend and choose happy.
Cheers, IkeaGoddess

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