Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I finished a layout!!!

I did it! I broke the curse and finished a layout. I was beginning to feel, I would never do a layout again. It usually took me a couple hours to complete a layout and I hate not finishing it in one go. Maybe because I know, if I put it away, it never gets done. Having to work on our house all the time, left me with insufficient scrapping time by my old standards. However not documenting our/Damien's life left me extremely unhappy. So now I just decided to get some layouts done about special events, that I want to keepsake, no matter what the layout looks like. After all if Damien looks at his scrapbook in 20 years, he is not going not comment on the perfect placement of a ribbon or if the paper matches his t-shirt. He is going to read the journaling, look at the photos, and hopefully the memories will put a smile on his face.

The occasion for this layout was the first sleepover by Damien's best friend, Leo. Damien got a big boy bed last week (it was on sale at IKEA), so for the first time there was enough room for Leo. They were both so enjoying each others company, and it was nice to not have Damien call "moooommmmmmyyyyy" all day long.
For the layout I used Gina's fabulous new collection Delightful. I loooove the papers in this set. You can buy this huge collection here. It is also available seperately.
Here is my layout. I am not to happy with the title alpa I made, but what the heck, it is finished and I will use the next hour I have for another layout.
Credits: Template 47 by YinDesigns available at; Delightful collection by Gina Marie Huff & Danielle Moore available at; Hand Stamped Alpha by Michelle Coleman available at; fonts: Ariel Black and Ma Simple Pleasure.

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