Thursday, November 6, 2008

About the elections post below

Woo, I sure started something there, didn't I? :-) I'm not used to that many comments (I could get used to it though - lol). I read through each and every one and absolutely love that you all are so actively engaged in politics. I don't agree with most of the opinions voiced, but that isn't the point. The important thing is that you have an opinion,and that is what makes a democracy strong and keeps it alive.
Sadly, a few decided to make some comments that go beyond voicing their opinion and got personal. I can understand that, it happens when one is so strongly emotionally involved. However I can't let it stand unanswered.
- Besides the fact that I grew up in the States and have a greencard, I as a citizen of this world take the right to watch what happens in the countries of this world, including the USofA. I stay informed by watching at least 3 different national and international newsshows (Heute-Journal, CNN & CNN Asia, Al Jazeera) on a daily basis in addition to reading political magazines such as newsweek and Spiegel(German). I look at all sides of a medallion before forming my opinion. I see it as my civic duty to be informed about what happens in the world around me. So just because I have a different opinion, I am neither stupid, nor uninformed. And yes, I am one of those people who butt in and give their two cents. Just ask Christian, it happens all the time :-)
- Don't have an opinion about other countries leaders? Why not? I do. I could fill pages about Sarkozy, Medvedev, or Mugabe to name a few. Don't like our chancellor, Angela Merkel? Well neithor do I. I didn't vote for her Conservative Party either. However I am proud that we have our first female chancellor (yep, I'm an old feminist) and I think she is doing a pretty good job, concidering that she is head of a grand coalition between Germany's two largest parties (conservatives and democrats).
- Homeschooling is illegal in Germany, so even though one may be against this law, it is understandable that the law is upheld. There are very few exceptions made and granted by the state. So if someone just decides to homeschool without informing the officials and getting a permit to do so, they are violating the law. Also it violates the child's right according to our laws. I believe a child's rights are just as important as anybody elses, actually maybe even more so, because children often can't defend themselves. What all this has to do with the outcome of the US elections is a mystery to me though.
- About being patriotic or not: I come from a military background. My dad served 20 years in the US army. Both my parents still work as civilians for the US army here in Germany. I grew up moving from one military school to the next. I support the troops, they are doing a very difficult job, and risking their lives on a daily basis. Yet that doesn't mean I think the war in Irak is just, nor was it justified to invade Irak against the will of the unitied nations. Does that make me unpatriotic? I think not.
Sorry for this long post, it just pisses me off when people get personal. Everyone, no matter their race, age, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack thereof, has a right to their opinion. So please show some respect. Another thank you to all commentators that did just that. I found it very interesting to hear your voice.
Cheers, Angie aka IkeaGoddess
PS the freebie post will be up later :-)

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