Saturday, January 31, 2009

P365 week 04

It took me a while to finish up week 4 and having the late shift this week didn’t help. For the next two weeks I’m going to do one 2-page layout. I’m using the latest YinDesigns one for that. I would have loved to do a 2-page layout for each week, but the photo book company I’m planning on using will only print 50 pages max per book. So I will split my layouts onto 2 books, which means I’m still 4 pages short. Therefore every now and then I will throw in a 2-page layout displaying 2 weeks. So be sure to check with your favorite photo book printing company and see how many pages they will print.
Anyway, here is my layout for week 4:
Credits: 365 Template No 003 by Moriginals available at; black, yellow, blue, green paper and swirl doodle stickers from Follow Your Bliss by Gina Marie Huff and Heidi Williams available at; background paper, weekday acrylics, month stamp, and black acrylic from Life365 by Gina Marie Huff and Heidi Williams available at; fonts: Segoe UI and Segoe Print.

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