Sunday, July 26, 2009

Book & Bed

I have an idea for my story I want to work on before I forget it. Total scatterbrain on this end of the screen. So I won't be freebie hunting tonight. I'll be back tomorrow with freebie links. So I'm off to bed early with my journal (yep, I'm totally old-school when it comes to writing, and type it off later).
Hope you all had a great weekend. My was just awesome. Friday a good friend came over for some chatting and beer (thanks again for all those comments on me spilling my guts like that. You are the best. Cross my heart and hope to die. Love ya). Saturday Damien went to visit Chris' parents, while we helped a friend from work set up his new apartment. He has recently split from his wife and small girl and just starting out new. God, I hope he gets through this OK and finds someone new. He is a sweet and funny hard working guy who really deserves someone good for him. He basically didn't take anything with him and went just all IKEA. From the entire kitchen to drawers through kid's bed and chairs to bookshelves and desks. I was in H-E-A-V-E-N. My power screw driller always at my side, I was having so much fun. I was a goddess in her element. Which reminds me that I have to buy a WonderWoman Tshirt. And there were yummy beer mixes too. There were also a hand full of friends and family helping put together all the furniture. We were done way too fast for my liking. I would have stayed till he kicked me out. But Chris and our friend and driver wanted to go home. Chris' mom called to us that she expected us to come by and have dinner, great BBQ bytheway, and to enjoy are couple hours of us time till then. And I did. Sunday morning all three of us snuggled in bed, then we made scrambled eggs for breakfast and Chris went to work. Damien and I just goofed off. He told me stories and we play acted them. I love it when I have time for that. Just let everything else be as it may and play for hours on the couch with matchbox cars and listen to Damiens ridiculous stories of what is actually happening at this moment. He has a fun mind and is quite clever if I may say so. When Chris came home in the afternoon, I was almost through watching the first third of Star Wars Episode 1 - The Fantom Menace. His first time. I think I was more excited than he was. I can't wait to hear what his mind comes up with given this kind of input. We starting about me expaining to Damien the main charachters and the storyline of Star Wars, and moved on to watching youtube videos of the Luke-Yoda-Jeditraining sequence. He loved it. So now we are watching it in three parts spread over a couple days. That way he has time to process and we can talk about it on the way to kindergarten. It was a little hard for him to realize that Yoda wasn't there in every shot, but he really liked the racing scene. Then I took him out to the playground. His friend from our street didn't have time to tag along, so just Damien and me went. First there were no kids there, but after a bit 3 smaller kids came with their parents. None were in the speaking age, so after 2 hours Damien actually asked me if we could go home. Usually I have to drag him home. It really used to be diffent when I was a kid. There were kids everywhere. Now there is one other kid his age on our entire street of 30 2-family houses. Makes me sad sometimes. So instead of going inside we grabbed a bowl and went picking blackberries for dessert. There are huge bushes growing free in the back of our house. And they're sooo good. At home again in time for dinner and daddy took over, dinner (grilled cheese sandwich) and all. I had time read a fabulous story I started this week. Its called I Love LA by feathersmmmm. It's a love story staring Mr Pattinson himself. I wasn't that interested to start it, but I had read so many good references to it, so I thought should give it a try. And I did and have been hooked since. Its basically a love story between Rob and a 33 year old. And it is beautifully written and hillarious and sweet and sexy, but not in the full frontal sluttiness sort of way. She has a choice of words that is enspiring. So if you are interested, look here. But I warn you, you could get hooked just like I am. So now I'm off to bed.
See ya tomorrow
Cheers, IkeaGoddess

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