Sunday, November 1, 2009

Freebies on Monday night

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween. Halloween is still fairly new in Germany. There was only one other house in our street that celebrated. Needless to say trick-or-treating can’t compare to the States. However Damien and I didn’t give up and we found a few houses celebrating in the development area a couple streets away. Damien was happy with his treats and excited to go out in the dark in costume with a flashlight. In the afternoon a large disco was open for a Halloween dance for kids from 4 to 12. Damien isn’t a big dancer (I hope for him and his future chances with the ladies that that will change over the years), but he enjoyed getting in costume and he thought the wild lights & fake fog were cool. I had bought him a batman cape and mask, which he liked but refused to wear on Halloween (he is keeping it for Mardi Gras though). I asked him why he didn’t want to be my favorite super hero and his answer was, that batman wasn’t in The Nightmare Before Christmas and therefore was not an adequate costume for Halloween. How can you argue with a kid that knows his Tim Burton? *insert proud mommy smile* So he ended up going as a skeleton with a roman sword and I painted a Jack Skellington face on him.
Tomorrow we have a big day at work. We completely restructured our entire company and tomorrow is the day one event. I am baking chocolate cupcakes all evening and therefore have no time to hunt freebies. I will be back with a ton of freebies tomorrow evening. See ya
Cheers, Angie aka IkeaGoddess
damien halloween

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