Saturday, January 16, 2010

On Haiti

Photo by Reuters/Jorge Silva, courtesy
We are all - in our homes, across the blogosphere, around the world - praying and watching and agonizing over Haiti and the incomprehensible anguish there.  
It weighs down our hearts and minds.  So little, it seems to be done.

However, for what it's worth, here is a great organization:  
They are on the ground in Haiti, intact.  They have had offices there for a long time and have a history of great work, around the world, but even more pertinent now, in Haiti.  
Their offices are intact.  They are there, front lines, now.

 CRS staff load a truck with meals-ready-to eat for medical staff 
at St. Francois de Sales hospital on Friday, January 15. 
The hospital is supported by CRS’ AidsRelief program. Photo by Lane Hartill/CRS

[First responders, working NOW, reputable, well respected, well managed organization.  The money doesn't go to administration costs, it goes to NEED.]

You can trust that the donation (any amount helps) will be put to the best of use by the folks who are there and know the needs and how to make it happen.
Every little bit is needed.

Another way to help is, of course, to pray. I firmly and deeply believe, I know, it makes a difference.  We are connected.  Prayer helps, in ways we cannot fathom.
So, if you have a mind towards it, please keep Haiti in your prayers.

From our Pope Benedict:

"I would now like to make an appeal regarding the dramatic situation in Haiti. My thoughts go out in particular to the people severely afflicted, just a few hours ago, by a devastating earthquake that has caused massive loss of human life, left a great number of people homeless, and left widespread tremendous material devastation. I invite everyone to unite themselves to my prayer to the Lord for the victims of this catastrophe and for those who mourn the dead. Be assured of my spiritual closeness to those who have lost their homes and to all people suffering in any way from this grave calamity, as I ask God to grant them consolation and relief amidst their suffering. I call upon the generosity of all so that our brothers and sisters living in this time of need and pain may not lack our concrete solidarity and the effective support of the International Community. The Catholic Church will not fail to take immediate action through her charitable institutions to meet the most pressing needs of the people." -- Pope Benedict XV 
{h/t to Curt Jester

Go, HERE, to read the Zenit article/interview with Cardinal Cores on the Haiti Crisis.
"All Eyes on Haiti."  A thoughtful interview, good information and things to think about as well.

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