Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Eve of Christmas for a Mom!

Well, we still have much of this holiday to come...
but this Christmas eve, this mom/me just got what might be my best Christmas present, below:

That note?  It is a huge giant step forward for my daughter, my newest one from hard places.
Seems like a typical kid love note.
Tomorrow might be hard again.  I hope not.
But even so, I'm marking this.
Because this is big and tonight she was happy enough to write this and hand it to me with a huge grin, ducking her head as she came to hug and kiss me.
It might as well be gold.

It's good.
It's progress.
Which is, of course, the best present of all to us both.
Brought, of course, by a "little" child.....and I've been given the eyes to see and this is Christmas Joy.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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